Local Events in the Keweenaw
Openings Life Coaching welcomes you to a Vision Tree Retreat
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Ripley Falls Home of Healing (Hancock, MI) 10 AM - 5 PM
In the new year of 2023 we are being asked to reflect on what has transpired in our past year in order to release, integrate and heal for our journey forward into 2023 and into new growth and possibilities.
You are invited into a day set aside for your own composting, allowing things to fall away and from that richness of transformation, find nourishment for your roots to grow in new enriched soil. Explore what feeds your being and your soul in order for your trunk to become steady so that you can foster and nourish new growth in your life as you leaf out in new possibilities for 2023.
At this Retreat~Seminar you will create a Tree Vision Board of your own choosing. You decide what you are composting, what you are nourishing yourself with and what will be produced as a result. The day will include getting comfortable with each other, meditation, journal prompts and journaling, mindful processing and creating your very own Vision Tree.
We will have time together in person or online as well as space apart to delve deep internally throughout this day.
In Person Option: Materials will be provided to create a Vision Tree (however you are welcome to bring images, words, and any format for creating your collage). Lunch will be included as well as materials for reflection. Reserve your spot with $90. paypal.me/openingscoaching
Online Option: Gather in the materials of magazines or other images, scissors, glue and paperboard or a large sheet of paper. If you are in need of any of these items, message me. Materials for reflection will be sent to you before the retreat. Reserve your spot with $60. paypal.me/openingscoaching
To Register for the Zoom link email: [email protected] (put Vision Tree in the subject line).
You may reserve your spot by using the following paypal link: paypal.me/openingscoaching
Call Cynthia at: 906-370-6686 or email me here with questions.
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Ripley Falls Home of Healing (Hancock, MI) 10 AM - 5 PM
In the new year of 2023 we are being asked to reflect on what has transpired in our past year in order to release, integrate and heal for our journey forward into 2023 and into new growth and possibilities.
You are invited into a day set aside for your own composting, allowing things to fall away and from that richness of transformation, find nourishment for your roots to grow in new enriched soil. Explore what feeds your being and your soul in order for your trunk to become steady so that you can foster and nourish new growth in your life as you leaf out in new possibilities for 2023.
At this Retreat~Seminar you will create a Tree Vision Board of your own choosing. You decide what you are composting, what you are nourishing yourself with and what will be produced as a result. The day will include getting comfortable with each other, meditation, journal prompts and journaling, mindful processing and creating your very own Vision Tree.
We will have time together in person or online as well as space apart to delve deep internally throughout this day.
In Person Option: Materials will be provided to create a Vision Tree (however you are welcome to bring images, words, and any format for creating your collage). Lunch will be included as well as materials for reflection. Reserve your spot with $90. paypal.me/openingscoaching
Online Option: Gather in the materials of magazines or other images, scissors, glue and paperboard or a large sheet of paper. If you are in need of any of these items, message me. Materials for reflection will be sent to you before the retreat. Reserve your spot with $60. paypal.me/openingscoaching
To Register for the Zoom link email: [email protected] (put Vision Tree in the subject line).
You may reserve your spot by using the following paypal link: paypal.me/openingscoaching
Call Cynthia at: 906-370-6686 or email me here with questions.
"Walk with Me" documentary of Thich Nhat Hanh
Sunday, August 29, 2022
Hancock, MI at 10:30 AM
Learn about the life of this gentle Buddhist Zen master. The 90-minute film will be shown at the Chapel of St Matthew on the Finlandia University campus. Open to the public. No cost; donations to the Finlandia Food Bank
are appreciated. For more info, email [email protected]
Sunday, August 29, 2022
Hancock, MI at 10:30 AM
Learn about the life of this gentle Buddhist Zen master. The 90-minute film will be shown at the Chapel of St Matthew on the Finlandia University campus. Open to the public. No cost; donations to the Finlandia Food Bank
are appreciated. For more info, email [email protected]
Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha
Saturday, Sept 18, 2021
Eagle River, MI at 2:00 pm
Outdoor Event - Please bring a mask for any indoor use (bathroom, adverse weather)
Tea and welcome
Silent sitting
Mindful walk
Reading and discussion
Five Mindfulness Trainings (precepts)
Close no later than 4:30 pm
For more info, please email [email protected]
Saturday, Sept 18, 2021
Eagle River, MI at 2:00 pm
Outdoor Event - Please bring a mask for any indoor use (bathroom, adverse weather)
Tea and welcome
Silent sitting
Mindful walk
Reading and discussion
Five Mindfulness Trainings (precepts)
Close no later than 4:30 pm
For more info, please email [email protected]
Vision Tree Retreat~Seminar
10AM-5PM Saturday, January 30, 2021 Virtually at the Ripley Falls Home of Healing (and the comfort of your own space) The day will include getting comfortable with each other, meditation, journal prompts and journaling, mindful processing and creating your very own Vision Tree. Gather in the materials of magazines or other images, scissors, glue and paperboard or a large sheet of paper. If you are in need of any of these items, contact me. To Register for the Zoom link email: [email protected] put Vision Tree (in the subject line). Cost is $50. You may reserve your spot by using the following paypal link: paypal.me/openingscoaching Day of Mindfulness
Sat, Sept 12, 2020 Hosted by Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha -and- Ripley Falls Home of Healing 20810 E. Second Street, Ripley, MI 49930 A morning Online (Zoom)
Please RSVP to Carol at [email protected] No fee. Donations appreciated. |
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Still On, but online :
Day of Mindfulness
April 4, 2020
Ripley Falls Home of Healing
20810 E. Second Street, Hancock, MI 49930
These free, one-day silent retreats include:
• Sitting Meditation
• Indoor and Outdoor Walking Meditation
• Relaxation with gentle body movements
• Mindful eating, smiling, and breathing together
• Dharma Talk
• Guided Meditation
For registration or more information, email [email protected]
Day of Mindfulness
April 4, 2020
Ripley Falls Home of Healing
20810 E. Second Street, Hancock, MI 49930
These free, one-day silent retreats include:
• Sitting Meditation
• Indoor and Outdoor Walking Meditation
• Relaxation with gentle body movements
• Mindful eating, smiling, and breathing together
• Dharma Talk
• Guided Meditation
For registration or more information, email [email protected]
Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha March 29, 2020 Eagle River, MI at 2:00 pm Tea and welcome Silent sitting CD of Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma talk Five Mindfulness Trainings (precepts) Dharma sharing Singing/chanting Close no later than 4:30 pm For more info, please email [email protected] |
Sunday March 8, Snowshoe for Charity, Little Traverse Bay
Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha and friends
Many thanks to Theresa Spence for her lighthearted version of the Great Bear Chase. In past years, Theresa and a few other brave souls have participated in the famous X-C ski race while dressed in tutus or other fanciful, unexpected costumes. This year we are invited to join her (with or without costumes) one day after the actual ski race, and at a different location. On snowshoes instead of skis... and it's not a race. But it should be a fun time!
Theresa intends to donate the amount she would have spent on race registration fees ($45) to charity. She invites others, if they are able, to do the same. We will discuss what charities we want to support and how to donate (as a group or as individuals) at the outing. There is no pressure on how much (if any) to donate.
We will meet at 2:00 PM at Quincy's in Dollar Bay to car-pool to John Vollmer's camp on Little Traverse Bay. The camp has electric and a landline, but no plumbing. Outhouse available; please bring you own water/beverage to drink. Extra snowshoes are available. Additional friends/family welcome. Please email if you plan to come, so we will know how many to wait for at Quincy's: [email protected]
Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha and friends
Many thanks to Theresa Spence for her lighthearted version of the Great Bear Chase. In past years, Theresa and a few other brave souls have participated in the famous X-C ski race while dressed in tutus or other fanciful, unexpected costumes. This year we are invited to join her (with or without costumes) one day after the actual ski race, and at a different location. On snowshoes instead of skis... and it's not a race. But it should be a fun time!
Theresa intends to donate the amount she would have spent on race registration fees ($45) to charity. She invites others, if they are able, to do the same. We will discuss what charities we want to support and how to donate (as a group or as individuals) at the outing. There is no pressure on how much (if any) to donate.
We will meet at 2:00 PM at Quincy's in Dollar Bay to car-pool to John Vollmer's camp on Little Traverse Bay. The camp has electric and a landline, but no plumbing. Outhouse available; please bring you own water/beverage to drink. Extra snowshoes are available. Additional friends/family welcome. Please email if you plan to come, so we will know how many to wait for at Quincy's: [email protected]
Day of Mindfulness
August 18, 2019 Ripley Falls Home of Healing 20810 E. Second Street, Hancock, MI 49930 These free, one-day silent retreats include: • Sitting Meditation • Indoor and Outdoor Walking Meditation • Relaxation with gentle body movements • Mindful eating, smiling, and breathing together • Dharma Talk • Guided Meditation For registration or more information, email [email protected] |
Contemplative Forest Art Walk
a self-guided mindfulness path marked by hand painted banners
Project Opening Reception
July 31, 2019
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Ford Center Forest, Alberta, MI
trail head located behind the dorm/conference center
info: Anne Beffel, Artist [email protected]
a self-guided mindfulness path marked by hand painted banners
Project Opening Reception
July 31, 2019
5:00 - 6:30 PM
Ford Center Forest, Alberta, MI
trail head located behind the dorm/conference center
info: Anne Beffel, Artist [email protected]
Coming To Our Senses Retreat~Seminar
Sunday, April 14, 2019 Ripley Falls Home of Healing Reawaken and invite yourself to become fully embodied in this exploratory retreat engaging all of your senses. Do you realize how limited our western culture has conditioned us to be? Come and play with enlivening yourself fully by coming to your senses, all of them! You will leave enriched and ready to experience life as your birthright, fully alive and present to it. What better way to welcome in spring? What to expect: Outdoors exploration, layers and muck boots recommended. Journaling and reflection time (journals created at retreat). Mindful eating experience (lunch included). Connection and synergy with kindred spirits. Feeling fully embodied and alive. Cost: $75.00 Register at: http://openingslifecoaching.com/events/ or call: 906-370-6686. |
Day of Mindfulness
March 17, 2019
Ripley Falls Home of Healing
20810 E. Second Street, Hancock, MI 49930
Since Sept 2015, Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha and Ripley Falls Home of Healing have co-hosted Days of Mindfulness several times per year. Ripley Falls Home of Healing was severely damaged by water, mud and rocks as Ripley Falls Creek overflowed its banks and crashed through and around this beautiful home on its way to Portage Canal on June 17, 2018. Please join us as we re-open for our first full Day of Mindfulness since the flood.
These free, one-day silent retreats include:
• Sitting Meditation
• Indoor and Outdoor Walking Meditation
• Relaxation with gentle body movements
• Mindful eating, smiling, and breathing together
• Dharma Talk
• Guided Meditation
For registration or more information, email [email protected]
March 17, 2019
Ripley Falls Home of Healing
20810 E. Second Street, Hancock, MI 49930
Since Sept 2015, Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha and Ripley Falls Home of Healing have co-hosted Days of Mindfulness several times per year. Ripley Falls Home of Healing was severely damaged by water, mud and rocks as Ripley Falls Creek overflowed its banks and crashed through and around this beautiful home on its way to Portage Canal on June 17, 2018. Please join us as we re-open for our first full Day of Mindfulness since the flood.
These free, one-day silent retreats include:
• Sitting Meditation
• Indoor and Outdoor Walking Meditation
• Relaxation with gentle body movements
• Mindful eating, smiling, and breathing together
• Dharma Talk
• Guided Meditation
For registration or more information, email [email protected]
March 10, 2019
Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha will meet in Eagle River,
MI at 2:00 pm:
Tea and welcome
Silent sitting
CD of Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma talk
Five Mindfulness Trainings (precepts)
Dharma sharing
Close no later than 4:30 pm
For more info, please email [email protected]
Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha will meet in Eagle River,
MI at 2:00 pm:
Tea and welcome
Silent sitting
CD of Thich Nhat Hanh Dharma talk
Five Mindfulness Trainings (precepts)
Dharma sharing
Close no later than 4:30 pm
For more info, please email [email protected]
October 5-14, 2018
Good Shepherd Sangha will host Ben Connelly, a Zen priest from the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center on Friday, October 5th, at 7:00 PM. Ben will speak about his book Inside Vasubandhu's Yogacara. On the morning of Saturday, October 6th, Ben will lead us through a workshop on the practices found in his book. Tuesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 11th, Good Shepherd Sangha will gather for sitting practice at 8am and will offer instruction at the beginning of the sessions. Finally, Shoken Winecoff will join us for practice and a dharma talk, Sunday, October 14th, time to be announced later in the week. Micah Cavaleri www.goodshepherdsangha.com Good Shepherd Lutheran Church College Ave, Houghton, MI 49931 Home for Day of Mindfulness
Damaged in Flood on June 17, 2018 Ripley Falls Home of Healing 20810 E. Second Street, Hancock, MI 49930 was severely damaged by water, mud and rocks as Ripley Falls Creek overflowed its banks and crashed through and around this beautiful home on its way to Portage Canal. Since Sept 2015, Heart of the Keweenaw Sangha and Ripley Falls Home of Healing have co-hosted Days of Mindfulness several times per year. These free, one-day silent retreats include: • Sitting Meditation • Indoor and Outdoor Walking Meditation • Relaxation with gentle body movements • Mindful eating, smiling, and breathing together • Dharma Talk • Guided Meditation Please consider making a donation thru the Ripley Falls Mudslide Flood Relief gofundme website to help Cynthia Drake reclaim her home. |
One Dharma Potluck
Saturday, August 18, 2018 Waterfront Park, Houghton, MI 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm A vegetarian potluck lunch is being held for all meditation groups and practitioners in the Keweenaw. We will meet under the pavilion near the "Chutes and Ladders" playground. Craig Kitchen of Marquette will offer bell meditation at 2:00 pm. (In case of rain, we will meet in the basement of Trinity Episcopal Church in Houghton.) |